WordProLWP7.6YƤ1H?Word Pro Text File/DFBA@PPPPP-PPP@Robert O. Sanford8>H@@ ??X@P`@@P`@@Pp@P`@@Hx``@@Hx``PC q@@P@q&B5B5P$B5( qL@AsE gf B.B.B.((q.@@@@Q'.(A4@@@@Q-2 ,A7Ay5 /AIT.4.A9@@@@Q394AT@@@@Q8fdE z$Bz* ffBffN  x@Hx@Hx@Hx@Hx`&A*B5B.P$B.(P7AiAHHPHA= @@@ > @@@PppPjAAt@ExPw/@A|@P@P@@@ p@@@PpP@@@ vEA{@@@@P xFA}@EH @ Heading 1|/wA@P@P@@@ p@@@ X@@@Pp4nDzI 5AKQdIUKAYT5`A. QMAVP$B5B5B5(tAG@Ex$ kDAu@@ @@P@60A:PHBPHB(l LxAj{vx@@@P }xxEH@ Default Text~x@@@P@c`x@@@QbsrBHHBPHBff (&' p`@x@&- p`@x@&3 p`@x@T9AX@@@@QS&8 p`@x@d YAfT.i PAnAytjA@ExPn iD4yY UAdT5VQAZP$BB5B(ukAy@@ @@P@~zA@@@@P@`^Ac@@@@Q_&b p`@x@r qAsff,XTA\@@@@QW&S p`@x@ZVAaP$BB5B(yuAz@@@@P@zyA~@@ @@P@^\A`@@@@Q]&_ p`@x@qpArBffbff,\XA^@@@@Q[&W p`@x@aZAeP$B23B5B(&] p`@x@p oAqBffbff€BBB&[ p`@x@eaAgPHBff PHB(o mApBff4geAm8m gAo%@p@ H$ DADxQE @QDs(D@@EBodytBPP @Booklet@p F7 yPu\wkV@@ Default PageQA @IQXA @CPageAAA A!`iA"A#A$``$Aw#T@i(A @IAAuP@CPageIAuyipw@i(A@I RPEH@CPageIBwyAD A!`li"A#A$`@Printer Folder SettingH$pw@i(A@I RPEH@CPageIBkyAD  A!`l"A#A$`@Printer Folder SettingH$ /"d@ J @FStory AAmt q@@P#JjB qU@@Default FooterXA@BQJDkP@EFooter.I/AA0A A+` @Y1A"A#A$aXQ2O i H@B PREH@EFooterL#A(I)y*y+` @ZXQ,T #xpA@P -qd@R @@StoryWmJfq#yU@@Default HeaderXA@BQJPA#AP@EHeader9I/AA:A A+` @Y1A"A#A$aXQ7Prsi A@I PRPEH@EHeaderLA4J r q+` @Z XQ7 -qd@R@@StoryWm s mF<=A@D@H From Inter Net. @H*The Seal of God and The Mark of the Beast @HF @HC"Sunday keeping Nothing But Catholic Tradition:" From the Basi@Hc Cate@Hchis@Hm of the Catholic Church..@dPAlnAECSEndPAmF< CASSEnd/d Bp @muqk@ Default TextP@@@i@@Default Text Style@@@pE =A>@xq?A@AAABACADx@@@PP@@@ r H@@a 9ZmCHHD HH@@P`QTPAlnA@A+@Cjk @@@Q)PAm$ASSEndRSAQHaFF<BA@CHHĿRev 9:4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndRR AFF<tfA@CHCXHFQ. HCXHWIn what manner can we show a Protestant, that he speaks unreasonably against fasts and HCXB@ @ @ abstinences?HCX[HCXOA. Ask him why he keeps Sunday, and not Saturday, as his day of rest, since he is unwilling either to fast or to abstain. If he reply, that the Scripture orders him to keep the Sunday, but says nothing as to fasting and abstinence, tell him the Scripture speaks of Saturday or the Sabbath, but gives no command anywhere regarding Sunday or the first day of the week. If, then, he neglects Saturday as a day of rest and holiness, and substitutes Sunday in its place, and this merely because such was the usage of the ancient Church, should he not, if he wishes to act consistently, observe fasting and abstinence, because the ancient Church so ordained?HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndQrHBA@1 14.BQ @@PXx @PAFF<hf&A@CHHSource: HH, of HB@ @ @ HuntingtonHH: Indiana, October 26, 1913, Bureau of Information, page 3.HdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEnd@aFF<hf&A@D@HaProtestant Catholics contradict their "Bible Only" theory by keeping the Roman Catholic's Sunday:@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEndT S|FF<43A@D@H0"Sunday keeping Nothing But Catholic Tradition:"@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd ) 8Bqd@d@FStory 8BWm 9RSm 8@D@@ap@PT@@apF.0@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@a?pE.@@a?p@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@PT@@apE.@@ap@P QSSEnd.A :@Legal NumberingI@ OXZa5 0 Z qU@@Default FooterQ A@BPRE H@EFooter/ysy+` @Y1XQ2*ZmB@@P`QTPAlnA@Am@C<bcAaAR& F@CHCXOoSo the fourth commandment (3rd by Catholic count) declares the seventh day (Saturday) to be the Sabbath. To attest to the validity of this declaration, the seal of God has been affixed to this commandment. The intent of this seal is to establish the authority of God and that no man can change His Law. The seal of God is not a literal seal. It is affixed to, and obtained by, those who worship the one true God on the day he specified in His Law. Those who worship on Saturday and believe it to be a continuing testament to the Creator, have the seal of God on the forehead (they know the truth and follow the Law of God).HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd%qbPpBA@ AAB% @@PXx ^V_A]HPAFF<{A@CHCXB@ @ @ FExoHCXH 31:16 WherHCXH,efore the children of Israel shall keep the HCXB@ @ @ sabbath,HCXH to observe the HCXB@ @ @ sabbathHCXH8 throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.HCX[HCXB@ @ @ FExoHCXH 31:17 It is a HCXHGsignHCXH between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd\T]A[HPAFF<4A@CHCXB@ @ @ GEzekHCXH 20:20 And hallow my HCXB@ @ @ sabbaths;HCXH and they shall be a HCXHGsignHCXH between me and you, that HCXB@ @ @ EyeHCXH& may know that I am the LORD your God.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd$ #VWAUAAFF<83_A@CHB@ @ @ FRomHH 4:11 And he received the HHGsignHH of circumcision, a HHseal HHѿof the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them also:HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd+@Outline (Indented)P@ @@i@(@&Traditional Indented Outline Numbering@@@pE =A>@CfCtu @@@Q,q@Default OutlineI@ OP   RP AF@CHH[p. 204]H[HHZQ. What was the reason why the weekly Sabbath was changed from the Saturday to the Sunday?H[HOA. Because our Lord fully accomplished the work of our redemption by rising from the dead on a Sunday, and by sending down the Holy Ghost on a Sunday: as therefore the work of our redemption was a greater work than that of our creation, the primitive Church thought the day, in which this work was completely finished, was more worthy [of] her religious observation than that in which God rested from the creation, and should be properly called the LordHHM HHs day.H[HHQQ. But has the Church a power to make any alterations in the commandments of God?H[HOLA. The commandments of God, as far as they contain his eternal law, are unalterable and indispensable; but as to whatever was only ceremonial, they cease to oblige, since the Mosaic law was abrogated by Christ's death. Hence, as far as the commandment obliges us to set aside some part of our time for the worship and service of our Creator, it is an unalterable and unchangeable precept of the eternal law, in which the Church cannot dispense: but for as much as it prescribes the seventh day in particular for this purpose, it is no more than a ceremonial precept of the old law, which HB@ @ @ obligethHH not Christians. And therefore, instead of the seventh day, and other festivals appointed in the old law, the Church has prescribed the Sundays and HB@ @ @ holydaysHH to be set apart for God's worship; and these we are now obliged to keep in consequence of God's commandment, instead of the ancient Sabbath.HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndOu \BA@. .1+BO @@PXx @PAFD<@QA@CHCXHSource: HCXH by Stephen HCXB@ @ @ Keenan,HCXH Imprimatur by John Cardinal HCXB@ @ @ McCloskey,HCXHD Archbishop of New York, Third American Edition, Published by P. J. HCXB@ @ @ KenedyHCXHM and Sons, New York, Copyright 1876 by T. W. Strong, pages 174, 181. Text of HCXHD HCXHonline.HCXdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEnd\@aFF<43A@CHCXH [pg. 181]HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndR Q7@aF<43A@CHdPSpcADPBrkA;CSEnd SmCH HBvSSEnd {U  5   SmCH HBSSEndVB @GBullet 1p@i@P@@@pE =A>@Am@Cju @@@RhJiAgAR( FD<@QA@CHCXHRev 15:2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd'qhPBA@ AAB' @@PXx cdAbHaFF<43A@CHCXH8Now here are verses that refer to the mark of the beast-HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnda5bA`HaFF<BA@CHCXH4Notice that we can find the seal of God in verse 11.HCX[HCXHThe name given: the LordHCX[HCXHHis title: CreatorHCX[HCXH7His domain: heaven and earth to include all inhabitantsHCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd& %_`A^HPAFF<4A@CHCXHSo the HCXB@ @ @ sabbathHCXHz is a sign of God, or His seal, representing His authority as Creator. Now look at the 4th Commandment as found in Exodus.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd[@\AZHPAFF<BA@CHCXB@ @ @ GEzekHCXH$ 20:12 Moreover also I gave them my HCXB@ @ @ sabbaths,HCXH to be a HCXHGsignHCXHQ between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD that sanctify them.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndWYAVHaFF<hf&A@CHHNote that the HCXHGsignHCXH of circumcision is also a HCXHGsealHCXH4 of righteousness. A sign and a seal are synonymous.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEndYw+@DTitleP@ @@ i@P@@@pE =A>@Am@CIvAwAAyxAy @@@ fXUw @ Number Listp@i@P@@@pE =A>@Am@Cjz @@@Q RN AF@CHH[p. 202]H[HH?Q. What are the days which the Church commands to be kept holy?H[HHA. 1st, The Sunday, or the LordHHM HHs day, which we observe by HB@ @ @ apostolicalHH$ tradition, instead of the Sabbath. HHM& H[HHGQ. WHHghat warrant have you for keeping the Sunday, preferably to the ancient Sabbath, which was the Saturday?H[HH@Am@C|AAy}Ay @@@      VB( @GBullet 2p@i@P@@@pE =A>@Am@Cju @@@Rc Pn oAmAR* AFF<pfA@CHCXHFirst you must know who the beast is. As I have shown elsewhere, the beast is the Papacy and Catholic Church, identified in one instance by the number 666, which equates to the papal title of ÂHCXB@ @ @ VICARIUSHCXO FILII DEI, when you add up the Roman Numeral values for the letters. It means the Vicar of the Son of God or Vicar of Christ. Vicar and anti mean the same thing, a substitute for, so Vicar of Christ and Antichrist mean exactly the same thing. The reformation was based on the identification of Roman Catholicism as the beast, and the Pope as the Antichrist, but this is something that has been forgotten or overlooked by Protestantism today.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd)qnPBA@ AAB) @@PXx ijAhHaFD<@QA@CHCXHǿRev 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which WORSHIPPED his image.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndgchAfHPAFD<@QA@CHCXH)Rev 14:11 And the smoke of their torment HCXB@ @ @ ascendethHCXHo up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who WORSHIP THE BEAST and his image, and whosoever HCXB@ @ @ receivethHCXH the mark of his name.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd( 'd eAcHPAFF<4A@CHCXHRev 13:16 And he HCXB@ @ @ causethHCXHw all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd`aA_HPAFF<A@CHCXB@ @ @ FExoHCXH 20:8 Remember the HCXB@ @ @ sabbathHCXH day, to keep it holy.HCX[HCXB@ @ @ FExoHCXH 20:9 Six days HCXB@ @ @ shaltHCXHD HCXB@ @ @ GthouHCXHD HCXB@ @ @ labour,HCXH and do all HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH work:HCX[HCXB@ @ @ FExoHCXH" 20:10 But the seventh day is the HCXB@ @ @ sabbathHCXH of the LORD HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH God: in it HCXB@ @ @ GthouHCXHD HCXB@ @ @ shaltHCXH not do any work, HCXB@ @ @ thou,HCXH nor HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH son, nor HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH daughter, HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH manservant, nor HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH maidservant, nor HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH cattle, nor HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH stranger that is within HCXB@ @ @ FthyHCXH gates:HCX[HCXB@ @ @ FExoHCXH 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the HCXB@ @ @ sabbathHCXH day, and hallowed it.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndZ[AYHaFF<4A@CHCXHThe disciples of God are HCXHsealed with His law.HCXHV The seal of God is in His law, so clearly this is a symbolic seal, not a literal one.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEndYZAWHPAFF<hf&A@CHCXB@ @ @ FIsaHCXH 8:16 Bind up the testimony, HCXHGsealHCXH the law among my disciples.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndwIf @ Table Textp@i@P@@@pE =A>@Am@CI{yA&TRL F@CHH[p. 348]H[HHEQ.HH+ Which is the first festival of the church?H[HHEA.HO! The first festival of the church is Sunday. Among all nations there is a day consecrated to the service of God. The Apostles consecrated Sunday to the worship of God, in memory of the resurrection of [p. 349] our Lord; so that the Sunday stands a perpetual monument of this great miracle.H[HHEQ.HH3 How did the first Christians celebrate the Sunday?H[HHEA.HO The first Christians celebrated the Sunday with great fervor; they assembled to pray in common, heard the reading of the sacred Scriptures, and the exhortations of the bishops, all approached to the holy table, and relieved the poor, each according to his means.HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALDPAlnAECSEndKu+BA@( (+%BK @@PXx @aFF<hf&A@D@H=Only Catholic Tradition and Authority Command Sunday keeping:@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPAlnAEDPIdtAICSEndN M   @aFF<43A@D@H1No Scriptural Authority for the change to Sunday:@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPAlnAEDPIdtAICSEnd R @aFF<43A@CHH [pg. 174]HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd qC2D\2U @ Heading 2P@@@i@P@@@pE =A>@Am@C|AAy}A~ @@@    (N2 @First Line Indentp@i@P@@@pE =A>@Am@C&c PrusAqAR, AF@CHH"If every Sunday is to be observed joyfully by the Christians on account of the resurrection, then every Sabbath on account of the burial is to be regarded in execration of the Jews HB@ @ @ (exsecrationeHHD HB@ @ @ Judaeorum).HO= In fact all the disciples of the Lord had a lamentation on the Sabbath, bewailing the buried Lord, and gladness prevailed for the exulting Jews. But sadness reigned for the fasting apostles. In like manner we are sad with the saddened by the burial of the Lord, if we want to rejoice with them in the day of the LordHHM HHs resurrection. HH$In fact, it is not proper to observeHH [the HB@ @ @ sabbath],HHD HH3because of Jewish customs, the consumption of food HB@ @ @ (destructionesHHD HB@ @ @ ciborum)HH and the ceremonies of the HB@ @ @ GJewsHB@ @ @ D"HB@ @ @ E85HHF - HHPope HB@ @ @ SylvesterHHD HB@ @ @ (A.D.HH 314-335).HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd+qrBBA@ AAB+ @@PXx o=pAnHPAFF<{A@CHCXO8In Daniel 7:25, one of identifying characteristics of the Antichrist "little horn" power is that it would think to change times and laws of the most high God. Now note the following quotes on the change from Sabbath to Sunday worship from Catholic sources. Many of these Catholic sources attribute the change to HCXB@ @ @ SundaykeepiingHCXH2 to the Church, Christ's Apostles, though this is HCXHFnotHCXH& taught anywhere in the New Testament.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEndmInAlHaFD<@QA@CHCXHSince the seal of God has been shown not to be a literal seal, why should the mark of the beast be a literal mark? Since those who worship on Saturday have the seal of God, what is a likely mark for the beast? It looks like worship is a factor.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd* )jvkAiHaFF<83_A@CHCXHRev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the maHCXH{rk of the beast, and them that WORSHIPPED his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndfgAeHaFD<@A@CHCXHRev 14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man WORSHIP THE BEAST and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,HCX[HCXHRev 14:10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndefAdHaFF<4A@CHCXH|Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd-RJ F@CHH[p. 195]H[HHEQ.HH What is the third commandment?H[HH)A. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.H[HHEQ.HH. To what does the third commandment oblige us?H[HHEA.HO The third commandment obliges us to render to God an external worship, as the first obliges us to render to him an interior worship. Our body and our soul being both the work of God, they must both [p. 196] render honor to their Creator, each in the manner suited to it.H[HHEQ.HHE Why had God chosen one day in seven for us to render him our homage?H[HHEA.HH 1st, to establish order and unity in our worship; 2nd, to remind us of the obligation to worship him; 3d, to preserve exterior worship. Among Christians this day is Sunday.H[HHEQ.HH Why Sunday?H[HHEA.HH{ For very wise reasons; 1st, to show that all the Jewish ceremonies are abolished; 2d, to honor the greatest mysteries of rHHeligion; for the Sunday corresponds to the first day of the world, to the day of the resurrection of our Lord, and to the day of the descent of the Holy Ghost on the apostles.H[HHEQ.HH( What does the third commandment forbid?H[HHEA.HH It forbids whatever prevents us from sanctifying this day, consecrated to the Lord; that is, all those works which are called servile, which require labor of body rather than of mind, such as cultivating the earth, exercising a trade, &c.HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndIu<BA@% %("BI @@PXx e@PAFF<kf_A@CHHSource: HHCatechism of PerseveranceHH , translated from the French of HB@ @ @ GAbbeHHD HB@ @ @ GaumeHH by Rev. F. B. HB@ @ @ Jamison,HH Fiftieth Edition, 1850, revised and enlarged, with the approbation of the Most Rev. Archbishop of Baltimore, Published by Thomas B. HB@ @ @ NoonanHHF & HB@ @ @ FCo,HH 17, 19, and 21 HB@ @ @ BoylstonHH Street, Boston, pages @HF, @HE-@HE, HHD.HdPSpcADPIdtAIDPAlnAEDPBrkA;CSEnd@aFF<hf&A@D@H8Early Church Fathers Consecrated and Celebrated Sunday?:@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEndL K7@aF<43A@CHdPSpcADPBrkA;CSEnd2\(D @ Heading 1P@@@i@P@@@pE =A>@Am@C|AAy}A @@@   AAR. AF@CHHSource: HHE, HH , Volume IV, HHDHHD HH1908 by Robert HB@ @ @ AppletonHH Company, Online Edition HHDHHD HH1999 by Kevin Knight, Nihil HB@ @ @ ObstatHHF - HB@ @ @ GRemyHHD HB@ @ @ Lafort,HH Censor Imprimatur - HB@ @ @ +JohnHH- M. Farley, Archbishop of New York, page 153.HdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEnd-q@@ BA@ AAB- @@PXx srtArHPAFF<BA@CHHSource: HH, by HB@ @ @ SamueleHHD HB@ @ @ Bacchiocchi,HHD HB@ @ @ FPh.HHO D., Andrews University, Chapter 6, page 194, copyright 1977, published by the HBH@@ FTheHH3 Pontifical Gregorian University Press, Rome, 1977.HdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEndqrApHaFF<43A@CHH!Pope Declares the Sabbath Should HHFNotHH Be Observed:HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd, +p6qAoHaF<43A@CHdPSpcADPBrkA;CSEndlmAkHaFF<hf&A@CHCXHTNotice how many times worship is mentioned in connection with the mark of the beast.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEndklAjHaFF<{A@CHCXOrRev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not WORSHIPPED THE BEAST, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndGAARH AFF<83_A@CHHSource: HH= (An Abridgment of the Christian Doctrine) of 1649, by Henry HB@ @ @ Tuberville,HHD HB@ @ @ D.D.,HH published by P. J. HB@ @ @ Kenedy,HH( Excelsior Catholic Publishing House, 5 HB@ @ @ BarclayHHN Street, New York, approved and recommended for his diocese by the Right Rev. HB@ @ @ Benedict,HH; Bishop of Boston, April 24th, 1833, pages 57, 58. Text of HCXHD HCXHonline.HCXdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEndGqPBA@" "%BG @@PXx y@@aFF<43A@D@H%Sunday, the Roman Christian Sabbath?:@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAIDPAlnAECSEndJ I    AAR0 AF@CHHRemember that HB@ @ @ GthouHO sanctify, & keep holy the Sabbath day. In Moses law the people were commanded to sanctify & keep holy the Sabbath day, which day we call Saturday, or the seventh day. For after that almighty God had created all kind of creatures in six days, the seventh day he rested or ceased to create any new creature. But in the law of grace we do not sanctify or keep holy the seventh day, called the Saturday: but we sanctify or keep holy the day following, called the Sunday or our Lord's day: in the which day HB@ @ @ christHO our Lord arose from death, making mankind (that was created earthly) a heavenly creation, in the day of his resurrection. This precept of sanctifying or keeping holy the Sunday, or our Lord's day, does contain under it, all feasts & holy days instituted & commanded by the Church. ...HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd/q@9@IBA@ AAB/ @@PX x AHPAF<@CHHBesides the Sabbath, the Jews observed other festivals which were instituted by the divine law, and the end and aim of which was to awaken in the people the recollection of the principal HB@ @ @ favoursHHK conferred on them by the Almighty. On these festivals the pastor will see HB@ @ @ Leviticus,HH (28) Numbers, (29) and HB@ @ @ Deuteronomy;HHi (30) and on the moral objects contemplated in the institution of such festivals, he may also consult S. HB@ @ @ Cyril,HH (31) and S. Thomas. (32)H[HOBut the Church of God has in her wisdom ordained that the celebration of the Sabbath should be transferred to "the Lord's day:" as on that day light first shown on the world, so by the resurrection of our Lord on the same day, by whom was thrown open to us the gate to eternal life, we were called out of darkness into light; and hence the Apostle would have it called "the Lord's day."HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndAyHPAFF<{A@CHHThe Church, on the other hand, after changing the day of rest from the Jewish Sabbath, or seventh day of the week, to the first, made the Third Commandment refer to Sunday as the day to be kept holy as the Lord's Day. The Council of HB@ @ @ TrentHH (Sess. VI, can. HB@ @ @ Gxix)HHM condemns those who deny that the Ten Commandments are binding on Christians.HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd. -tvAsAAFF<43A@D@HSunday - fulfillment of the @B@ @ @ sabbath@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd%AARF AF@CHHFQ. HHDWHHHAT is the third commandment?H[HHA. Remember that HB@ @ @ GthouHHD HB@ @ @ keepestHH holy the HB@ @ @ sabbathHH day.H[HH)Q. When did the Sabbath begin to be kept?H[HHsA. From the very creation of the world; for then God blessed the seventh day, and rested on it from all His works. HHFGenHH. ii. 2.H[HH%Q. When was this commandment renewed?HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndEq@@BA@ "BE @@PXx 6AHaF<43A@CHdPSpcADPBrkA;CSEndAHPAF<|f@CHH5A. In the Old Law; when God gave the commandments to HHMosesHH on mount HHSinaiHH6, written with his own finger in two tables of stone, HB@ @ @ GExodHB@ @ @ D.HHD HB@ @ @ Fxx.HH 1, &c. HB@ @ @ xxxi.HHG 18.H[HHQ. Why was the HHJewishHH Sabbath changed into the HHSundayHHD?H[HH A. Because HHChristHH was born upon a HHSundayHH, arose from the dead upon a HHSundayHH$, and sent down the Holy Ghost on a HHSunday: HH0works not inferior to the creation of the world.H[HHQ. By whom was it changed?H[HHiA. By the Governors of the Church, the Apostles, who also kept it; for St. John was in spirit on the LordHHM HHs day (which was Sunday.) HB@ @ @ GApocHB@ @ @ D.HH i. 10.H[HH!Q. How prove you that the Church HB@ @ @ GhathHH' power to command feasts and holy days?H[HH0A. By the very act of changing the Sabbath into HHSundayHHZ, which Protestants allow of; and therefore they fondly contradict themselves, by keeping HHSundayHHG strictly, and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same Church.H[HHQ. How prove you that?H[HHA. Because by keeping HHSundayHH, they acknowledge the Church's power to ordain feasts, and to command them under sin; and by not keeping the rest by her commanded, they again deny, in fact, the same power.HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndH G`AFF<pfA@CHH[p. 66]H[HHEQ.HHC What must we conclude from the work of the six days [of creation]?H[HHEA.HO We must conclude: 1st. That God is truly powerful, truly wise and truly good. 2nd. That man is truly a great being, since all the inferior creatures were made only in reference to him, and that even the angels labor continually for him. 3d. That we ought to love God, use all things for his glory and to have a great respect for ourselves. 4th. That we ought to observe Sunday with great fidelity.HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd  |   AAR2 AF@CHH5A. In the Old Law; when God gave the commandments to HHMosesHH on mount HHSinaiHH6, written with his own finger in two tables of stone, HB@ @ @ GExodHB@ @ @ D.HHD HB@ @ @ Fxx.HH 1, &c. HB@ @ @ xxxi.HHG 18.H[HHQ. Why was the HHJewishHH Sabbath changed into the HHSundayHHD?H[HH A. Because HHChristHH was born upon a HHSundayHH, arose from the dead upon a HHSundayHH$, and sent down the Holy Ghost on a HHSunday: HH0works not inferior to the creation of the world.H[HHQ. By whom was it changed?H[HHiA. By the Governors of the Church, the Apostles, who also kept it; for St. John was in spirit on the LordHHM HHs day (which was Sunday.) HB@ @ @ GApocHB@ @ @ D.HH i. 10.H[HH!Q. How prove you that the Church HB@ @ @ GhathHH power to command feasts and HB@ @ @ holydays?H[HH#A. By the very act of changing the HB@ @ @ sabbathHH into HHSundayHHZ, which Protestants allow of; and therefore they fondly contradict themselves, by keeping HHSundayHHG strictly, and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same Church.H[HHQ. How prove you that?H[HHA. Because by keeping HHSundayHH, they acknowledge the Church's power to ordain feasts, and to command them under sin; and by not keeping the rest by her commanded, they again deny, in fact, the same power.HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd1q@}@BA@ AAB1 @@PX x AHPAFF<BA@CHHSource: HH, by HB@ @ @ LaurenceHHD HB@ @ @ Vaux,HHD HB@ @ @ B.D.,HH& reprinted from a 1583 edition by The HB@ @ @ ChethamHHj Society in 1885, Manchester England, (updated to modern spelling for this excerpt) pages 34, 35. Text of HCXHD HCXHonline.HCXdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEndAHaFF<hf&A@CHHOF THE THIRD COMMANDMENTH[HH%What is the third Commandment of God?HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPAlnA F@CHCXHFQ. HCXHaIn what manner can we show a Protestant, that he speaks unreasonably against fasts and abstinenceHCXHD?HCX[HCXOA. Ask him why he keeps Sunday, and not Saturday, as his day of rest, since he is unwilling either to fast or to abstain. If he reply, that the Scripture orders him to keep the Sunday, but says nothing as to fasting and abstinence, tell him the Scripture speaks of Saturday or the Sabbath, but gives no command anywhere regarding Sunday or the first day of the week. If, then, he neglects Saturday as a day of rest and holiness, and substitutes Sunday in its place, and this merely because such was the usage of the ancient Church, should he not, if he wishes to act consistently, observe fasting and abstinence, because the ancient Church so ordained?HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd=q@DXA@ AAB= @@PXx B@PAFF<hf&A@CHHSource: HH, of HB@ @ @ HuntingtonHH: Indiana, October 26, 1913, Bureau of Information, page 3.HdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEndHPAFF<pfA@CHHiIs it true that the Catholic Church substituted the observance of Sunday for the observance of the Bible HB@ @ @ Sabbath?HB@ @ @ N @B@ @ @ Gand@H is it true that so-called Protestants contradict themselves weekly by trampling underfoot the Bible seventh day Sabbath, and accept the Catholic Sunday, all the while rejecting the other festivals of the Church? And is it true, as is stated in @B@ @ @ Keenan's@Hy Doctrinal Catechism, p. 174, that the Catholic Church holds this very act as the mark of her power in religious matters?H[HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd@ ?AHaFF<hf&A@D@H@Sunday keeping Nothing But Catholic Tradition: It has no BiblicaĂ@H l foundatio@HFn.@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEndAHPAFF<BA@CHHSource: HH, by HB@ @ @ LaurenceHHD HB@ @ @ Vaux,HHD HB@ @ @ B.D.,HH& reprinted from a 1583 edition by The HB@ @ @ ChethamHHj Society in 1885, Manchester England, (updated to modern spelling for this excerpt) pages 34, 35. Text of HCXHD HCXHonline.HCXdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEnd'  ;#  c'QAAR: F@CHH[p. 203]H[HOthe week was to be henceforward the day of worship, and the Christian Sabbath; so that truly, the best authority we have for this is the testimony and ordinance of the Church. And therefore, those who pretend to be so religious of the Sunday, whilst they take no notice of other festivals ordained by the same Church authority, show that they act by humor, and not by reason and religion; since Sundays and holy days all stand upon the same foundation, viz, the ordinance of the Church. ...HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEnd9q@"@bBA@ AAB9 @@PXx B@PAF<̥@CHH[p. 202]H[HH?Q. What are the days which the Church commands to be kept holy?H[HHA. 1st, The Sunday, or the LordHHM HHs day, which we observe by HB@ @ @ apostolicalHH$ tradition, instead of the Sabbath. HHM& H[HHGQ. WHHghat warrant have you for keeping the Sunday, preferably to the ancient Sabbath, which was the Saturday?H[HH =6AHaF<43A@CHdPSpcADPBrkA;CSEndAHaFF<hf&A@D@HSProtestants contradict their "Bible Only" theory by keeping the Sunday: They disobe@Hy their Jewish Christ.@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtAICSEnd: 9 AAAFF<4A@CHHSource: HCXH , by the Right Rev. Dr. Richard HCXB@ @ @ Challoner,HCXHD HCXHCpublished in Baltimore in 1852 by John Murphy & Co., pp. 202 - 204.HCXdPSpcADPIdtAIDPBrkA;CSEnd< ;6AHaF<43A@CHdPSpcADPBrkA;CSEndeAHPAFF<{A@CHHFQ. HCXH^Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?HCX[HCXHdA. Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with HCXB@ @ @ Gher;HCXB@ @ @ M HCXB@ @ @ FsheHCXH could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change@CXH, for which there is no Scriptural authority.HCXdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndAHaFF<hf&A@D@HJNo Scriptural Authority for the change to Sunday as the Catholic Protestan@Hts try to prove@HE:@dPSpcADPBrkA;DPAlnAEDPIdtAICSEndQAHaFF<43A@CHH [pg. 174]HdPSpcADPBrkA;DPIdtALCSEndZH$DxiEa H@H@@P@@P@@PPpPP@P P t<>ADQGAOALQPQHATANAYAZAVAUAWAXA\A[A^A_A`AaAbAIAJAKAQARASAM dAeAfAc@P cpcP cpcH dP@QH cpcPa{H dP@QH pcPaH cpcP cpcPaH pcPa cpccpcPaUUH cpcP@QHdP@QTT cpcP@QTT cpcP@QH dP@QUUH cpcP@QHdP@P@@Times New RomanHWH@ MS Sans Serif H @ WingdingsH @ Arial Black H@Arial h@@@P@P@gH@@A@HGH@GiAAQrys@@George P. 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